
The MastHERmindEX Signature Process – It’s our Secret Sauce!

What’s makes our MastHERminds so effective? It’s the people and process.
Here’s a peek into our MastHERmindEX C.U.R.A.T.E process.

C – Customized, Community, Connection
*Our MastHERminds our customized from start to finish to meet the needs of the group, ensuring progress & success.
* The programs are by application only to create a good fit for each group.
* We begin with a Personal Development Analysis for a snapshot of individual and group strengths, energy & balance.
*Meetings are structured to address real-time issues, including hot-seat presentations, live coaching, guest topic experts, templates, exercises and homework assignments.
*We build community, life-long connections and provide ongoing support.

U-Understanding and Identification
*MastHERminder’s identify their goals, ideas, challenges, progress and weekly wins. Updates are shared at each meeting for group discussion and feedback.

R – Rapport & Trust
*Rapport & trust is built through open, vulnerable, facilitated group communication. It creates strong relationships & accountability for the group members.

A – Authenticity
* We provide a confidential safe space for members to share & the tools to communicate openly. YOU Be & Do YOU!

T– Take Action
*From baby steps to giant leaps, we are all about taking action. We provide the resources to support, measure progress, make adjustment and keep moving forward with clarity and confidence.

E– EXploration, EXperiential Learning, EXperience Sharing & Ongoing EXchanges
*We integrate the pillars of our MastermindEX framework into the C.U.R.A.T.E process to execute our MastHERmindEX programs.