5 C’s to Confidently Create Connections with Clients and Colleagues (In 6 Weeks!)

Imagine in 6 weeks you can learn to communicate with colleagues and clients with more clarity and confidence? You can create connections that have been outside your comfort zone. You can learn to build stronger business relationships and rapport more quickly using your curiosity, conversation starters and carving out the time to be consistent in your tools, strategy and outreach.

You may be introverted, socially anxious, or just have never received the tools and strategies that can help you do this without overwhelm, and with tapping into what is important to you. You will have substantive, meaningful conversations. You do it using your strengths, and sharing your unique personality with others.

You’ve been struggling to connect with other professionals in a consistent way.
Communicating challenges you every day and you realize this is not your strength.
You feel your colleagues, clients and bosses aren’t responding positively to you, if at all.
You’re exhausted, uncomfortable and know there is a better way, as you have so much knowledge to share with them. The value you bring to the table is important and can help the team succeed, if only you could share it effectively.
You don’t seem to have that process to easily connect with consistency.

You realize, the right structure for you is out there and waiting to help you make the changes that will ease your life.
It’s time to ask for help and receive support from experts.

You actually may have tried several things on your own:

* Reading articles, blogs, books on how to improve your social and professional networking skills.
* Listening to podcasts on how to build stronger relationship
* Watching videos on how to work better with your teams

Not much has improved. It’s time to get some expert advice, make some changes and move forward in a more efficient and effective way. 6 Weeks, 60 minutes, 6 people.

You can make this happen in happen in just 6 weeks and not be overwhelmed.
Consider it your own crash course, customized to your connection needs.

What is CONNECT?

You will be part of the MastermindEX CONNECT small group coaching program. I know, you don’t love being in groups, you’d much prefer to learn on your own. However, these groups are critical to the learning and practicing your new strategies and tools. They are:

*Curated – 6 people
*By application only
*Virtual sessions
*Experiential learning and paired practice EXchanges
*60 minutes and homework
*6 weeks
* Open weekly for Office hours -2 hours for questions and private 1:1 input
*EXpert led by business, communication, connection & behavior specialists

You will learn and most importantly practice 5 steps that will provide a structure to help you reach your goals as follows:

**Begin with a Personal Development Analysis (PDA)and debrief. Receive scientific data to understand your individual starting point on the connection continuum.
** Gain an understanding of your strengths, the tools already in your own personal tool box and how you can best use and modify them in a variety of circumstances
**Expand your tool box and learn new methods and receive new tools to cultivate professional relationships and connections
**Practice your learning on the spot in pairings and receive feedback from peers and experts to make adjustments
** Integrate the learning into your professional and personal worlds weekly as homework
**Ask questions, get 1:1 on feedback and further customize the learning during weekly office hours with experts
**Repeat for 6 weeks, gaining experience and confidence and expanding your tool box weekly
**Receive certification of program completion

IMPORTANT: This is not a cookie-cutter program or course. We want you to hit your goals as we recognize no two people are starting at the same place or want to get to the same place. Everyone has their own challenges, concerns, and needs in creating connections and we address that from the start and throughout the program. Each journey starts at a different point on the continuum, but each receives the tools that moves the needle for them from their starting point to their next goal.

Who is this program for?

Do you feel any of the following points relate to you? If so, then this program is for you.

–You’re a professional struggling to create connections
–You have difficulty building rapport with your colleagues or clients
–Networking makes you uncomfortable, yet you need to do it as part of your job
–You consider yourself an introvert
–You are more comfortable learning in a small group setting or 1:1
–You are a new manager and have a new team. You need to quickly build a relationship with your team members- individually and collectively. How can you better understand them?
–Covid has been a challenge and you’ve had to lead remotely. It’s fully remote or hybrid and you need to up your virtual skills
— You are uncomfortable when you walk into an event, conference, or meeting and don’t know everyone. What should you do? How can you make the experience valuable for you and the others.
–You find yourself at a loss when you have to start a conversation with someone new
–You feel depleted after attending a meeting or event and just want to be alone
–You are uncomfortable speaking up in meetings and rarely do so
–You’re not feeling confident when it comes to the “people aspect of your job”. You’d rather focus solely on the tasks
–You often find the need to clarify instructions before beginning a task and ask multiple questions. You seem to be getting push back for this from colleagues, why?

–You are a recent graduate and have never received the strategies and tools beyond email and text
–It’s difficult to gain the respect of your superiors and get the promotion you’ve wante


When can you start? The programs will be starting on a weekly basis in October

Cost? The cost for the 6 week program is $1497. This includes the online Personal Development Analysis, full report and debrief valued at over $400. If you have Personal Development or Education funds left in your budget for end of you, this is a perfect way to use them and move forward to 2022 ready to share your best self. We will give you a certificate upon completion.

How To Apply for CONNECT? Please fill out the Application here

Have questions? email