21 Connections Challenge

Here’s the 21 Connections Challenge

2021 is coming to an end. We are challenging you to reach out to 21 people that you haven’t connected with recently – friends, colleagues, clients, customers, or anyone you’ve wanted to connect with but just haven’t made the effort with recently. It’s NOT too late – between now and December 31, 2021 you can complete this challenge. We will help you get organized and be accountable, we will be your cheerleader, support and participate with you. You will finish 2021 strong and positioned for growth and success in 2022 because of this simple set of consistent actions.

You can use any outreach method that you are comfortable with – email, phone, hand written note, text, DM’s, meet in-person or on Zoom. The method isn’t important, it’s the ACTION you take bringing your authentic, caring self consistently to the lives of others. The value you offer, and share with others, and the commitment you make to this challenge will give you the confidence and connections that change your life and the lives of those you connect with. You will end 2021 having accomplished something that you knew mattered but somehow kept getting pushed aside. It’s NOW the perfect time to make it happen.

We will offer you tips on how to best connect, a Connection Action Map template to track your connections and more as the Challenge progresses. More importantly, we will offer you a community to help keep you accountable, on track and moving forward to complete the Challenge by the end of the year. If you are interested in joining and receiving updates, templates our support and rewards for completion, please just fill out this simple contact form below and we will get you started. It’s free, no long term commitment, fun, easy and you will experience the impact of connection as you leap into 2022.

Let’s get started.